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2.1 / Prices are indicated in Euros, including all taxes (VAT included) for zones 1 and 2 and include the applicable VAT rate on the date of the order as well as transportation and delivery costs. For countries in zone 3, prices are indicated in USD and include transportation costs and customs duties. JITROIS fully covers the transportation and delivery costs of the products ordered on the internet and/or by correspondence, by contacting its customer service.

2.2 / The Client settles their purchases online and/or by telephone with the Customer Relations Service, at the time of ordering:

  • by credit card (Debit Card, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express), via a secure payment module;
  • by bank transfer to Account No. 00035478701, held at Banque CREDIT INDUSTRIEL ET COMMERCIAL, CIC PARIS ENTREPRISES IBERBANCO, with all related banking fees being the exclusive responsibility of the Client.

The Client is informed, for all intents and purposes, that banking transactions are secured through a secure payment module operated by SHOPIFY Payments.